Directors’ report continued
Going concern, viability, responsibilities and disclosure
The current activities of the Group and those factors likely to affect its
future development, together with a description of its financial position,
are described in the Strategic Report. Critical accounting estimates
affecting the carrying values of assets and liabilities of the Group are
discussed in Note 6 to the financial statements.
The principal and emerging risks are set out in detail in the Strategic
Report on pages 85 to 90 together with a description of the ongoing
mitigating actions being taken across the Group. The Board carries
out a robust assessment of these risks on an annual basis, with
regular updates being presented at Board and Board Committee
meetings. These meetings receive updates from Finance, Legal,
Tax, Operations, Internal Audit, Regulatory and Compliance, Data
Protection, Human Resources, IT Security and Group Secretariat.
TheGroup maintains a risk register which is monitored and reviewed
on a continuous basis.
During 2022, the Board carried out an assessment of these principal
risks facing the Group, including those factors that would threaten its
future performance, solvency or liquidity. This assessment considered
the current situation around the potential impact of the Ukraine crisis.
This ongoing assessment forms part of the Group’s strategic plan.
After making appropriate enquiries and having regard to the
Group’s cash balances and normal business planning and control
procedures, to include a detailed analysis of various scenarios,
the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company
and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational
existence and meet their liabilities for a period of at least 15 months
from the date of approval of the financial statements. In respect of
the viability assessment, the Directors reviewed a five-year forecast
considering the viability status for the period to December 2027 in
accordance with the Group’s five-year plan, which is considered
to be an appropriate period over which the Group can predict its
revenue, cost base and cash flows with a higher degree of certainty,
as opposed to more arbitrary forms of forecasts based solely on
percentage increases. Notwithstanding projected profitability over
the forecast period, the Directors have no reason to believe that the
Group’s viability will be threatened over a period longer than that
covered by the positive confirmation of long-term viability as per the
Viability Statement on pages 91 and 92. Given the above, the Directors
continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the accounts.
Significant shareholdings
As of 21 March 2023, the Company had been advised of the following
significant shareholders each holding more than 3% of the Company’s
issued share capital, based on 306,356,693 ordinary shares in issue
(excluding treasury shares of 2,937,550):
Shareholder % No. of ordinary shares
Interactive Brokers (EO) 6.23 19,081,076
Albula Investment Fund 5.42 16,594,432
Setanta Asset Management 4.99 15,307,229
TT Bond Partners 4.97 15,237,921
Future Capital Group 4.90 15,000,000
Paul Suen Cho Hung 4.61 14,115,010
Vanguard Group 4.50 13,784,973
Blackrock 3.89 11,925,947
Dr Choi Chiu Fai Stanley 3.75 11,517,241
Dimensional Fund Advisors 3.38 10,353,214
The persons set out in the table above have notified the Company
pursuant to Rule 5 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency
Rules of their interests in the ordinary share capital of the Company.
The Company has not been notified of any changes to the above
shareholders between 21 March 2023 and the date of this report.
Capital structure
As at 28 February 2023, the Company had 309,294,243 issued
shares of no-par value, of which 2,937,550 are held as treasury shares.
The Company has one class of ordinary share and each share carries
the right to one vote at general meetings of the Company and to
participate in any dividends declared in accordance with the articles
of association. No person has any special rights of control over the
Company’s share capital.
The authorities under the Company’s articles of association granted
at the last Annual General Meeting for the Directors to issue new
shares for cash and purchase its own shares remain valid until
the forthcoming Annual General Meeting when it is intended that
resolutions will be put forward to shareholders to renew the authority
for the Company to issue shares for cash and purchase its own shares.
Articles of association
The articles of association contain provisions similar to those which
are contained within the articles of association of other companies
in the gambling industry, namely to permit the Company to (i) restrict
the voting or distribution rights attaching to ordinary shares or (ii)
compel the sale of ordinary shares if a “Shareholder Regulatory
Event” (as defined in the articles of association) occurs. A Shareholder
Regulatory Event would occur if a holder of legal and/or beneficial
interests in ordinary shares does not satisfactorily comply with a
regulator’s request(s) and/or the Company’s request(s) in response
to regulatory action and/or the regulator considers that such
shareholder may not be suitable (a determination which in all practical
effects is at the sole discretion of such regulator), to be the holder of
legal and/or beneficial interests in ordinary shares. Accordingly, to the
extent a relevant threshold of ownership is passed, or to the extent any
shareholder may be found by any such regulator to be able to exercise
significant and/or relevant financial influence over the Company and
is indicated by a regulator to be unsuitable, a holder of an interest in
ordinary shares may be subject to such restrictions or compelled
to sell its ordinary shares (or have such ordinary shares sold on
its behalf).
Voting rights
Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting attached to
any shares by or in accordance with the articles of association, on a
show of hands every member who is present in person or by proxy
and entitled to vote has one vote and on a poll every member who
is present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote has one vote for
every share of which he is the holder.
Restrictions on voting
No member shall, unless the Board otherwise determines, be entitled
to vote at a general meeting or at any separate meeting of the holders
of any class of shares, either in person or by proxy, in respect of any
share held by him or to exercise any right as a member unless all
calls or other sums presently payable by him in respect of that share
have been paid to the Company. In addition, any member who having
been served with a notice by the Company requiring such member to
disclose to the Board in writing, within such reasonable period as may
be specified in such notice, details of any past or present beneficial
interest of any third party in the shares or any other interest of any kind
whatsoever which a third party may have in the shares, and the identity
of the third party having or having had any such interest, fails to do so
may be disenfranchised by service of a notice by the Board.
Subject to the articles of association, any member may transfer all or
any of his or her certificated shares by an instrument of transfer in any
usual form or in any other form which the Board may approve. The
Board may, in its absolute discretion, decline to register any instrument
of transfer of a certificated share which is not a fully paid share or on
Playtech plc Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022
Governance Report